Thursday, July 31, 2008


By Lisa Peter Published Yesterday Poems
Lyrics and Poems The Melody Of My Soul vol I, page 7
I had 100 resons not to pray
I had so many things to do every day
I had places to go
I had people to see
There was work to attend to
Time spent on me
I always meant to find the time
but the days they always flew right by
Oh, 100 reasons.

I had a house to clean
Children to care for
Appointments to keep
A stop by the grocery store
Busy meeting life's great demands
Caught in the shuffle of times shifting sand
Oh, 100 reasons

But after the fall
I called out to God
He met my need
He cared for me
And now I have 100 reasons

I have 100 reasons to pray
God has blessed me with another day
He saved my soul
He heard my plea
He knows my name
He cares about me
Now I always find the time
An hour of prayer seems to fly right by
Oh, 100 reasons.

I have a heart to keep clean
Souls to bring to the Savior
He saves and keeps
Blessings galore in store
I love Him so
He restores my soul
Oh, 100 reasons!

Friday, July 4, 2008


July 4, 2008
God is truely so good to me. I cannot begin to thank Him for all of the blessings He has bestowed on me. He has been my best friend and provider.
Last night I felt so very ill. It was like my internal organs and bones were in a vice. I had shortness of breath. I couldn't get comfortable lying down, sitting or standing. I was very miserable. I have felt this way once before after I had ate some grill seasoning with MSG and what I did then was to drink a lot of water and just let it get out of my system, and so this is what I did again. The only thing that I ate yesterday that might have had some MSG was the original Chex Mix. I couldn't find MSG listed on the package but on the internet I found that MSG had hydronated protein such as soy protein and I did find that ingredient listed on the Chex Mix. If you have ever experienced this feeling of dying... that's what I felt like, I could barely cope with the discomfort. Mark offered to take me to the doctor but I was in too much pain to get in the car or to go wait in some doctor's office. We kept praying and I had Mark rub my back. As long as he was rubbing me it kept my mind off of the pain. Eventually the pain let up enough that I could go about normal business. But then I had one more bout of these symptons right before bed time and I forced myself to drink a lot of water and I took a warm bath and prayed and took asprin. I woke up every hour on the hour and had to use the restroom a lot from all the water had I drank.. But it flushed whatever poisions and toxins from my body and this morning I feel fine. I praise God that we didn't have to go to the doctor and pay out all that money for them to poke around and probe on me when all I needed was water, rest and most of all Jesus to help me through it. I also am glad that I had a husband who cared enough to give me back massage and to help me pray.
To God be all the glory!